CIMRM 920 - Thigh and knee of Cautopates. Les Bolards / Dijon, France.
From: E. Thévenot &c, "La station antique des Bolards à Nuits-Saint-Georges (Côte-d'Or)". In: Gallia, tome 6, 1948. pp. 289-347; p.303, fig. 7.
Remains of a statue of Cautopates, matching that of Cautes. Now in Dijon.
CIMRM entry
Remnants of a statue, found near the entrance.
Thevenot in Gallia, 308; 318 No. 39 and fig. 7.
Thigh and knee of a second torchbearer (Cautopates) in short tunic. Hand with the outmost part of a torch.