Marble statue (H. 1.35), found in 1902. Mus. Merida, Inv. No. 88.
Paris in RA XXIV, 1914, 12f, No. 13 and fig. 10; Gomez Moreno, Materiales, Pl. XXIII, fig. 23; Leite de Vasconcellos, Religioes, III, fig. 133; Melida in
BAH 1914, 448 No. 5 and Pl. VIII; Lianez, 183f, No. 88 and fig. 62; Pidal,
Hist. Esp. II, 432 and fig. 233; Garcia y Bellido, Culto, fig. 16. See fig. 216.
Standing Venus pudica with hanging-down hair. A cloth, draped over her I. arm,
covers her r. leg. Beside her I. foot a little Amor on a dolphin; her r. arm, which
was raised is broken off; head lost.