Location : | National Library, Luxembourg |
Date: | End of the 15th century |
Corpus: | Cluniacense. (beta branch) |
A luxury manuscript of the beta (Hirsau) branch of the Corpus Cluniacense. Said to be a direct copy of Florence Conv. Soppr. J. VI. 10 (F) 6. Unnoticed by Kroymann 7, although Van Vliet had mentioned it in the late 19th century, it was published properly by Borleffs in 1935. Estimates of the value of the text have varied since, with some presuming it to be a direct copy of the lost Hirsau manuscript.
From the library catalogue2:
Manuscript on paper of the end of the XVth century - 269 leaves. Fol. 1-118 at 31 lines per page, fol. 131-269 of 37-41 lines per page - H.: 270 mm; L: 200 mm. It comes from the abbey of Munster at Luxembourg, proven by an ex libris of Pierre Roberti, abbe of Munster, stuck on the leaf of guard (there follows a description of the exlibris).
The manuscript contains the following works of Tertullian:
1. Fol. 1. (De Carne Christi). The superscription misses mainly; there remain only the words about it: liber unicus qui floruit anno Domini ducentesimo. Qui fidem resurrectionis...
(Fol. 14 V.) Finit liber de carne Christi.
(a list of the the titles and the opening words of the individual writings follows, viz. Schanz III3 P. 332)
22. Fol. 257 back. Adversus Hermogenem. Solemus hereticis compendii.. This work, incomplete at the end, has been completed on the fol. 268 and 269 by a hand of XVIIth century."
The ex-libris is on the feuillet de garde5. Folio 1 has deteriorated and part of the title has completely disappeared.5
The contents are derived from the sources listed. Those in brackets are inferred from the statement of PETITMENGIN that this is a direct copy of F.
Folios | Works |
1r5-14v | De carne Christi2 |
(Res) | |
(Cor) | |
(Mart) | |
(Paen) | |
(Virg) | |
(Hab) | |
(Cult) | |
79v-86 | Ad uxorem3 |
(Fug) | |
(Scap) | |
De Exhortatione Castitatis1 | |
101-112v | De monogamia1 |
De Pallio1 | |
(Pat) [This marks the start of the second part internally in F: maybe in X also?] 6 | |
(Prax) | |
(Val) | |
145v-233 | Adversus Marcionem4 |
(Jud) | |
(Haer) | |
(Prae) | |
257v-269 | Adversus Hermogenem2 |
1. Paul MATTEI, Tertullien : Le Mariage Unique, Sources Chretiennes 343 (1988), p102ff. French critical edition, introduction, translation. Checked.
2. J.W.Ph. BORLEFFS, Zur Luxemburger Tertullianhandschrift, in
Mnemosyne, Series III, vol 2 (1935), pp299-308. also in .
3. Charles MUNIER, Tertullien : A son épouse, Sources Chretiennes 273 (1980), p64ff. French critical edition, introduction, translation. Checked.
4. René BRAUN, Tertullien : Contre Marcion, Sources Chretiennes 365 (1990), p20ff. French critical edition, introduction, translation. Checked.
5. Jean-Pierre MAHÉ, Tertullien : La Chair du Christ, Sources Chretiennes 216 (1975), p171. French critical edition, introduction, translation. Checked.
6. Pierre PETITMENGIN, Tertullien entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XVIe siècle, in M. CORTESI (ed), Padri Greci e Latini a confronto: Atti del Convegno di studi della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino. Firenze: SISMEL (2004). pp. 63-88. Checked.
Tertullien-Ueberlieferung in Italien, Sitzungsberichte der
Philosophisch-Historischen Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften,
Wien, 138 (1897 or 1898) 3rd booklet (34 pages). also in .
This page has been online since 11th December 1999.