Introduction | Details | Bibliography |
The manuscript comes from the Badia of Fiesole, and is an example of a beta (Hirsau) branch manuscript of the Cluny collection. It also contains some works by the little know author, Gaudence of Brescia.
This manuscript has been shown by Kroymann1 to derive from earlier extant manuscripts. As such, its independent witness to the text is nil, since all it can offer is further copyist errors. However the Apologeticum portion is labelled a copy of N in Hoppe's Apol.
39 x 27cms, parchment. 15th century. Written by a single hand in two columns. On the rear of the first leaf is the following index:
De carne Christi
De carne resurrectionis (sic)
De corona militis
Ad martirias
De pentitentia
De virginibus velandis
De habitu muliebri
De cultu feminarum
Ad uxorem
De persecutione
Ad Scapulam
De exhortatione castitatis
De monogamia
De pallio
De patientia dei
Adversus Praxeam
Adversus Valentinianos
Adversus Marcionem
Adversus Judaeos
Adversus omnes haereses
De praescriptione haereticorum
Adversus Ermogenem
Ad pologeticum de igno-
rantia in Christo Jesu
After the Apologeticum follows another work not listed in the index, De fuga in persecutione, under the title of De fuga. Which means, of course, that it appears twice!
Under the index are the following words:
Cosma Medicaeus summus et praestantissimus vir et divini cultu observantissimus, posteaquam pro sua singulari virtute hoc monasterium condidit ac canonicis regularibus ea omnia paravit, quae ad bene vivendum necessaria sunt, ne optimorum librorum copia deesset hoc volumen Tertulliani monasterio dedit. Pro cuius singulari pietate deus qui omnium meritorum est retributor diga ei praemia persolvere velit.
A subscriptio follows.
Works of the little known author, Gaudentius of Brescia, follow the Tertullian. The two authors are mentioned together by Politian and his pupil Crinito, indicating that a small set of copies which combined the two must have existed, but nothing more.
The codex is that listed in Oehler, Praef. p. viii, as number 8.
Tertullien-Ueberlieferung in Italien, Sitzungsberichte der Philosophisch-Historischen
Classe der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Wien, 138 (1897 or 1898) 3rd booklet
(34 pages). also in .
p. 10
2. Pierre PETITMENGIN, Tertullien entre la fin du XIIe et le début du XVIe siècle, in M. CORTESI (ed), Padri Greci e Latini a confronto: Atti del Convegno di studi della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino. Firenze: SISMEL (2004). pp. 63-88. Checked.
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