3 "shall give," N. T.

4 kata\ to\ r9hto\n.

5 al. "none."

6 al. "unschooled."

7 al. "fall down."

8 al. "are called by God a way, for there is one broad, and one strait and narrow; but things to come," &c.

9 al. "ceases."

10 al. "that we may also be able to attain them."

1 poiw=men [poiou==men, G. T.].

2 al. "in their eyes."

3 al. "when your soul is."

4 al. "up."

5 al. "and ye receive not our witness," as in N. T.

6 al. "remain and are not."

7 Ben. "But they."

8 al. "one of another?"

9 Ben. "him."

10 Ben. "as appears from," &c.

11 al. "So that."

12 clauses transposed.

13 e0pi\ toi=j a0gaqoi=j.

14 al. "thou wilt see Him doing,"

15 al. "all the world."

16 di' ou[ .

17 al. "that is."

18 al. "all but this."

19 r9oph=j.

20 u9ph=lqon.

21 S. C. here instead of ti/ qe/lw; reads ti/ h@qelon i0dei=n.

22 In place of the passage which follows, Savile notices in the margin another reading: "Besides at a later time He said, (Luke xiii. 34,) `How often would I have gathered thy children together, and ye would not! 0' what is it then that He saith? Nothing else but," &c.

23 al. "ministering."

24 al. "'show."

25 "that speaketh of himself," N. T.

26 a0polau/wsi.

27 al. "one to another."

28 diakexume/non.

29 al. "none of the things present and perishable will be able to occupy us."

30 al. "one to another."

31 al. "seized."

32 al. "him only."

33 prooi/mion.

34 lit. "fair weather."

35 al. "dost thou not confess?"

1 al. "speaking concerning the Jews."

2 Sav. a!konta, Ben. tuxo/nta.

3 "The Father," N. T.

4 Ben. "he foretold they shall."

5 i0sosta/sion, al. i0so/timon.

6 e0k Qeou= [para\ Q. v. 46].

7 i.e. with reference, not to men who are "of God" as being their Cause by creation, but to Himself who is "of God" by His Essence.