22 Cant. i. 7, Sept.
23 Cant. i. 4.
24 Acts iv. 32.
25 It is not possible in English to preserve the same translation for the word meridies, which occurs throughout this passage in the two senses of the noon or midday, and the South.
26 Ps. lxxxix. 12, Sept. (xc. English version).
27 Sodales enim dicti sunt, quod simul edant, quasi simul edales.
28 Ps. liv. 13, etc., Sept. (lv. 12-14, English version).
29 1 John ii. 19.
30 Judg. xiv.
31 John xxi. 17.
32 Cant. viii. Sept.
33 Visceribus.
34 Ps. xlv. 13.
35 2 Cor. xi. 2.
36 2 Cor. xi. 3.
37 Matt. xxv. 21.
38 Quem.
39 Quam.
40 Concisiones.
1 John x. 30
2 Mereamini.
3 Isa. vii. 9, Sept.
4 He seems to be addressing the Catechumens (Bened. note).
5 Matt. vi. 9.
6 Eph. i. 5.
7 1 Cor. x. 4.
8 Ad proprietatem.
9 Major.
10 Arians.
1 John xii. 44.
2 John xii. 46; John viii. 12.
3 Authorem.
4 The Bened. conjecture that the word "hodie" here and at the end was added in order to adapt this Sermon to be preached on Christmas Day.
5 John xii. 49, 50.
6 1 John v. 20.
7 John x. 30.
8 Maximinus in his Conference with St. Augustin, and St. Augustin in his Answer, B. ii. cont. Maxim. ch. 22.
9 Addicitis.
10 John xii. 50.
11 1 John v. 20.
12 Isa vii. 9, Sept.
13 2 Cor. vi. 13, 14.
14 Limat.
1 John xiv. 6.
2 Rationes.
3 Rom. i. 18.
4 Rom. i. 19.
5 Rom. i. 20.
6 Viget.
7 Sensu.
8 Rom. i. 21.
9 Rom. i. 22.
10 Rom. i. 23.
11 Totum.
12 John i. 4.
13 Moribus.
1 John xiv. 6.
2 Ps. cxxxix. 6, Sept. (cxl. 5, English version).
3 Ecclus. ix. 13.