54 Plato, Tim., p. 53 D, [cap. 20].
55 Pind., Fr., 233, a fragment preserved in this place.
57 Plato, Rep., p. 615, [lib. x. p. 325. Ed. Bipont, 1785.]
58 The bellowing of the mouth of the pit.
59 Odyssey, xi, 576 (Pope's translation, line 709).
60 Odyssey, iv. 221; [Milton's Comus, line 675].
63 Odyssey, vii. 114 (Pope's translation, line 146.).
64 Odyssey, xi. 312 (Pope's translation, line 385).
65 The false accuser; one who does injury by slanderous accusations.
66 Ath, the goddess of mischief, from whom spring all rash, blind deeds and their results.