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Philoxenus, Ascetic Discourses (1894) pp.xlviii-lxvi. List of works of Philoxenus


The following is a list of the works of Philoxenus preserved in London, Paris, Rome, and Oxford.

I. A literal translation of the Old and New Testaments which was completed about A.D. 508 1. This great work was completed with the assistance of the chorepiscopus, Polycarp 2, and was well received by the Jacobite church. Moses of Aggêl 3, |xlix who flourished about the middle of the VIth century refers to Philoxenus' version of the New Testament and of the Psalms as the standard work of the day 4. The British Museum MS. Add. 17,106 (foll. 74-87)5 contains portions of Isaiah (ch. xxviii. 3-17, xlii. 17-xlix. 18, and lxvi. 11-23)6, and a manuscript of the XIth or XIIth century at Rome contains the text of the Gospels; Dr. Wright was inclined to think that the Beyrût MS. described by the Rev. Isaac Hall also contained the Gospels in this version7.

II. A Commentary on the New Testament. Fragments of the Commentary on Saint Matthew are preserved in Add. 17, 126 8; Add. 14,646, fol. 202b (IXth century)9; Add. 14,613, fol. 162a (IXth or Xth century)10; Add. 17,193, fol. 97a (dated A.Gr. 1185 =A.D. 874)11; Add. 12,154, fol. 64a (VIIIth or IXth century)12; fragments of the Commentary on Saint Luke are preserved in Add. 17,126, fol. 3 8; Add. 17,267, fol. 20a (XIIIth century)13; Add. 14,727, fol. 120a |l (XIIIth century) 14; fragments of the Commentary on Saint John are preserved in Add 14,534, fol. 16a ff. (early Vlth century) 15, and in Add. 14,538, fol. 23b (Xth century) 16; and a fragment of the Commentary on 1 John v. 6 is extant in Add. 17,193, fol. 94b (dated A. Gr. 1185=A. D. 874) 17).

III. An Order of Holy Baptism, [Syriac] 18.

IV. A lesser Order of the Consecration of Water for Baptism, to be used in the case of a child who will certainly die, and cometh to be baptized, [Syriac] Add. 14,499, fol. 25a (Xth or XIth century) 19

V. Eucharistic prayers:

(a) "When a man wisheth to draw nigh to the Holy Mysteries let him pray thus: To Thee, O Christ, the Lamb of God, I pray at this time in fear." [Syriac]
(b) "Another prayer [to be said] when a man taketh the living Body in his hands: Thee, O living God, Who hast become embodied in bread, do I bear [in my hands] 20." |li 

VI. Anaphoras.

(a) Anaphora beginning: [Syriac] Add. 14,690, fol. 133a (dated A. Gr. 1493=A. D. 1182) 21.
(b) Anaphora beginning: [Syriac] Add. 17,229, fol. 2b (dated A. Gr. 1529 = A. D. 1218) 22; Add. 14,694, fol. 87a (XIIIth century) 23
(c) Anaphora beginning: Add. 17,229, fol. 56a (XIIIth century) 24.

VII. An exposition on the parable of the ten talents 25.

VIII. A treatise showing that one Person of the Holy Trinity became incarnate and suffered for us. The title runs: ---- 26 [Syriac] |lii This is followed in the MS. by extracts from the treatise of an anonymous writer against Philoxenus, which caused the latter to write the above discourse: [Syriac] and after this comes a copy of the letter to the monks against which the anonymous writer composed his treatise, and a collection of extracts from the works of the Fathers which support the views of Philoxenus 27.

IX. Three Discourses on the Trinity and on the Incarnation : [Syriac]. 28

X. Thirteen Discourses on the Christian life and character: ----[Syriac].29 |liii 

XI. A tract on various heresies (Manes, Marcion, Eutyches, Diodorus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Theodoret, Nestorius, etc.), and a profession of faith: [Syriac] Add. 14, 529, fol. 65b (VIIth or VIIIth century) 30.

XII. Twelve Chapters against those who maintain two natures in Christ and one Person: [Syriac]. Add. 14,597, fol. 91a (dated A. Gr. 880=A.D. 569) 31.

XIII. Twenty Chapters against the Nestorians: [Syriac] Add. 14,597, fol. 98b.

XIV. Seven Chapters against Nestorius, Diodorus of Tarsus, Theodore of Mopsuestia, and those who hold the doctrine of two natures, and accepting the Henoticon and the twelve Chapters of Cyril: [Syriac] Add. 14,529, fol. 66b (VIIth or VIII century) 32 

XV. Five Chapters against the Nestorians : [Syriac] |liv Add. 14,604, foll. 67a - 68a, and foll. 111b - 113a (VIIth century) 33.

XVI. A Discourse against the Nestorians and Eutychians: [Syriac]

XVII. A Disputation with a Nestorian scribe concerning Jesus Christ: [Syriac] 34

XVIII. Ten chapters against those who divide our Lord after His indivisible union: [Syriac] 35 Add. fol. 14,597, fol. 105b (dated A. Gr.880= A.D. 569) 36.

XIX. Seven chapters against those who say that what is bad in the doctrine of heretics should be cursed, but not the heretics themselves and their whole doctrine : [Syriac] |lv Add. 14,604, fol. 113a (VIIth century) 37

XX. Three additional Chapters against heresies: [Syriac] Add. 14,529, fol. 6oa (VIIth or VIIIth century) 38

XXI. On the Union of the two Natures; Add. 14,670, fol. 22a (VIth or VIIth century) 39

XXII. A confession of Faith: [Syriac] Add. 17,201, fol. 6a (VIth or VIIth century) 40.

XXIII. A confession of Faith: [Syriac] Add. 17,216, foll. 32,33 (XIIIth century) 41

XXIV. The Faith of Philoxenus: [Syriac] 14,621, fol.172b(datedA.Gr.1113=A.D.802) 42

XXV. A Confession of Faith, in ten sections, directed against the Council of Chalcedon: [Syriac] Add. |lvi Add. 14,529, fol. 68a (VIIth or VIIIth century) 43

XXVI. A Confession of Faith, beginning [Syriac] 44

XXVII. A Definition of Faith: [Syriac] 45

XXVIII. A Discourse on Faith: [Syriac] 46

XXIX. A Reply to be made by anyone, when questioned as to his belief: [Syriac] Add. 14,529, fol. 69b 47

XXX. A Declaration of the One Nature in Christ [Syriac] 48

XXXI. On the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin: [Syriac] Add. 14,727, fol. 26a (XIIIth century) 49.

XXXII. A Discourse addressed to one who asked him, whether the Holy Ghost departs from |lvii a man when he sins, or returns to him when he repents: [Syriac] Add. 17,193, fol. 18a (dated A. Gr. 1185 = A. D. 874) 50.

XXXIII. A paraenetic discourse: [Syriac] Add. 17,206, fol. 54a (XIth or XIIth century) 51.

XXXIV. A Funeral Sermon: [Syriac] Add. 14,520, fol. 123b (VIIIth or IXth century) 52.

XXXV. A Prayer to be used when a man riseth from his couch: [Syriac] Add. 14,499, fol. 430 (Xth or XIth century) 53.

XXXVI. A penitential Prayer: [Syriac] Add. 14,621, fol.160b (dated A. Gr. 1113 = A.D. 802) 54.

XXXVII. A Prayer to be said whenever a man pleaseth : [Syriac] Add. 17,262, fol. 71b (XIIth century) 55.

XXXVIII. A Prayer: [Syriac] beginning [Syriac] Add. 14,583, fol. 178a (XIth century) 56. |lviii 

XXXIX. A Prayer of Supplication 57.

XL. Prayers for the seven canonical Hours [Syriac] 58

XLI. Morning Prayer: [Syriac] 59

XLII. Terce: [Syriac] Add. 14,723, fol. 78b 60, and Add. 17,221, fol. 52b 61.

XLIII. Compline: 62 [Syriac].

XLIV. Letter to the Monks of Sënûn, concerning the Incarnation and Faith, etc., written during his second exile at Philippopolis : [Syriac] Add.14,597, fol.35b (dated A.Gr. 880 = A.D.569) 63

XLV. Two Letters to the Monks of Teleda 64: [Syriac] |lix 

XLVI. Letter to Patricius, the Edessene monk, on purity of the soul and how it may be acquired, etc.: [Syriac ]Add. 12,167, fol. 144b (dated A. Gr. 1187 = A. D. 876) 65. Other copies of this letter are extant in Add. 14,649, fol. 180a 66; Add. 14,621, fol. 39a 67; Add. 14,623, fol. 70b 68; Add. 14,580, fol. 89b 69; Add. 17,185, fol. 33a 70.

XLVII. Letter to the Monks of Amid on zeal:71 [Syriac]

XLVIII. Letter to Abraham and Orestes, Priests of Edessa, concerning Stephen bar Sudh-ailê: [Syriac] 72 |lx 

XLIX. Letter to Abu Nafîr of al-Hîra on Nestorius, Theodore of Mopsuestia, Eutyches, and others: [Syriac] Add. 14,529, fol. 61a (VIIth or VIIIth century) 73.

L. Letter to the Emperor Zeno on the Incarnation of God the Word: [Syriac] 74

LI. Letter to John II. of Alexandria: [Syriac] Add. 14,670, fol. 21a (VIth or VIIth century) 75

LII. Two Letters to the Monks of Bêth Gôgal: [Syriac] 

LIII. Letter to a monk who had recently become converted: [Syriac] Add. 14,649, fol. 200b (IXth century) 76.

LIV. Letter to a disciple, on the forsaking of the world |lxi and on the monastic life: [Syriac] Add. 14,728, fol. 76b 77, and Add. 14,729, fol. 131a 78

LV. Letter to the Christians at Arzôn 79

LVI. Letter to a convert from Judaism: [Syriac] Add. 14,726, fol. 10a (Xth century) 80

LVII. Letter to Maron the lector, of Anazarba: [Syriac] Add. 14,726, fol. 19b (Xth century) 81

LVIII. Letter to one of his disciples : [Syriac] [Syriac] Add. 12,167, fol. 179b (dated A. Gr. 1187 = A.D. 876) 82, and Add 18,817, fol. 147a (XIIth century) 83

LIX. Letter to the Recluses: [Syriac] Add. 14,577, fol.101b (IXth century) 84

LX. Letter on the duties of the ascetic life: [Syriac] |lxii Add. 17,262, fol. 420 (XIIth century) 85

LXI. Letter to a lawyer who had become a monk: [Syriac] Add. 12,167, fol. 278a (dated A.Gr. 1187 = A.D. 876) 86.

LXII. Letter against Habib: [Syriac].87

LXIII. Letter to Simon, the Archimandrite of Teleda ---- a fragment: [Syriac] Add. 14,533, fol. 48b (VIIIth or IXth century) 88.

LXIV. Letter to the orthodox monks in the East: [Syriac] Add. 14,533, fol. 50a 88

LXV. Tract on Chastity ---- a fragment 89.

LXVI. The Book of Sentences ---- an extract from the fifth Chapter: [Syriac] Add. 17,191, fol.64b (IXth or Xth century) 90, and Add. 17,214, fol. 88a (VIIth century) 91.

LXVII. On the tranquillity of the convent life: [Syriac] |lxiii Add. 17,181, fol. 24b (VIth century) 92; Add. 17,173, fol. 80a (VIIth century) 93; Add. 14,604, fol. 95b (VIIth century) 94; Add. 14,617, fol. 49b (VIth or VIIth century) 95; and Add. 14,726, fol. 11b (Xth century) 96 .

LXVIII. Rules for the Monastic Life: [Syriac] Add. 17,262, fol. 72a (XIIth century) 97

LXIX. On the Fear of God----an extract: [Syriac] Add. 14,577, fol. 130a (IXth century) 98

LXX. On Humility----an extract: [Syriac] Add. 14,582, fol. 179a 99

LXXI. On Repentance----an extract: [Syriac] Add. 14,582, fol. 179b 99

LXXII. On Prayer: [Syriac] Add. 14,582, foll. 181a, 182a 100; Add. 18,817, fol. 71b 101

LXXIII. On Prayer: Add. 12,167, foll. 182b, 183a 102. |lxiv 

LXXIV. On Prayer ---- two extracts Add. 14,611, fol. 1b 103; Add. 14,522, fol. 39a 104; Add. 14,614, fol. 70b 105; Add. 14,728, fol. 187a and b 106.

LXXV. Against passions in the soul: [Syriac] Add. 17,153, fol. 127b (VIIth century) 107

LXXVI. On the tonsure: [Syriac]. Add. 14,613, fol. 141b 108; and Add. 17,193, fol. 83b 109

LXXVII. On Virginity: [Syriac] Add. 17,215, fol. 43a 110

LXXVIII. On the Quotations in the Epistles of Saint Paul: [Syriac] Add. 17,193, fol. 3b 111.

LXXIX. On the man who wilfully transgresseth the prohibition of the priests: [Syriac] 112.

LXXX. A hymn on the Nativity: [Syriac] 113

Extracts from the writings of Philoxenus are also found in Add. 17,173, fol. 80a; Add. 14,522, fol. 38b; |lxv Add. 14,614, fol. 70a; Add. 17,180, fol. 21a; Add. 17,178, foll. 72a, 90a; and Add. 14,538, fol. 80a 114.


(a) Arabic. 
I. The Discourses on Christian Life and Character 115
II. Daily Prayers : [Syriac] 116

(b) Ethiopic. 
I. A Hymn, beginning [Ethiopic] Brit Mus. MS. Orient. No. 539, fol. 218a 117
II. A Hymn, beginning, [Ethiopic] Brit. Mus. MS. Orient. No. 594, fol. 193a 118.
III. Prayers in seven sections: [Ethiopic] Add. 19,658, fol. 41a 119.
IV. A Prayer which Christians may pray for the saving of their souls : [Ethiopic] |lxvi Brit. Mus. MS. Orient. No. 578, fol. 223a 120.
V. The first part of a Series of questions and answers on the History of the Egyptian Monks [Ethiopic] attributed to Philoxenus [Ethiopic] Brit. Mus. MSS. Orient. Nos. 759, fol. 81a, 760, fol. 40, 761, fol. 3a 121
VI. Commentary on the Gospels 122.

[Footnotes renumbered and placed at the end]

1. * Compare the following from Brit. Mus. MS. Add. 7,163, fol. 35b:---- [Syriac]

2. 1 See Assemânî, B. O., ii, 23.

3. 2 The translator of the writings of Cyril of Alexandria into Syriac; he wrote after the death of Philoxenus and the chorepiscopus Polycarp, and Wright places him from about A. D. 550-570. See Wright, Syriac Literature, p. 836.

4. 1 See B. O., ii. 83; and Guidi, Rendiconti della R. Accademia dei Lincei, May and June 1886, p. 404.

5. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 28.

6. 3 Edited by Ceriani, Monumenta Sacra et Profana, v. i. pp. 1-40 ; and see Wright, Syriac Literature, p. 825.

7. 4 Wright, Syr. Lit., p. 825.

8. 5 This MS. is dated A.Gr. 822=A. D. 511, and was therefore written before the author's death; see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 526. col. 1 ; and B. O., ii. p. 19.

9. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 533.

10. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 813. col. 1.

11. 8 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 1001. col. 1.

12. 9 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 981. col. 2. 

13. 10. See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 884. col. 2.

14. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 887. col. 1.

15. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 526. col. 2.

16. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 1005. col. 2. 

17. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 989. col. 1. 

18. 5 See Assemânî, B. O., ii. p. 24. col. 2.

19. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 229. col. 2.

20. 7 Both these prayers are in Add. 17,125. fol. 78a (IXth or Xth century); see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 124. col. 2.

21. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 205. col. 2. Other copies exist in the Vatican (see Assemânî, B. O., ii. p. 24. col. 2), and in the Louvre (see Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 48. col. 2); for a translation see Renaudot, Liturg. Orient., ii. p. 310.

22. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 209. col. 2, and p. 210. col. 2. Another copy is in the Vatican (see Assemânî, B. O., ii. p. 24. col. 2).

23. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 207. col. 2. Other copies are preserved in the Louvre (see Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 41. col. 1, p. 42. col. 2), and for a translation see Renaudot, Liturg. Orient., ii. p. 310.

24. 4 See Wright, Cat.MSS.Syr., p. 209. col. 1.----For fragments of other anaphoras see Add. 14,736, fol. 33 (Wright, p. 210. col. 1); Add. 14,738, fol. 16a, 17a (Wright, p. 212, col. 2); Payne Smith, Cat. Codd. MSS.Bibl.Bodl., Oxford, 1864, col. 230; and see Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 51. col. 1, p. 52. col. 1.

25. 5 See Payne Smith, Cat. Codd. MSS., Bibl. Bodl., col. 469.

26. 1 A copy of this most important work is preserved in the Vatican (see B. O., ii. p. 27), and the title runs [Syriac] This MS. is dated 564.

27. 2 All the above are found in Add. 12,164, foll, 1b-135a (VIth century); see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 527. col. 1. Extracts from the Discourses of Philoxenus on the Incarnation of our Lord are preserved in Add. 14,663, fol. 9a f. (VIth or VIIth century); see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 692. col. 1.

28. 3 See B. O., ii. p. 25. col. 1.

29. 4 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., pp. 149, 150. Nineteen MSS. in the British Museum contain these Discourses, in whole or in part; a list of them is given and their contents are tabulated on pp. xciv, xcv. An Arabic translation of the Discourses was made by one Moses, which seems to be extant in one MS. only: see Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 194. col. 2, p. 195. col. 1.

30. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 920. See also Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 75. col. 1.

31. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 649. col. 1. An extract from this work is preserved in Add. 17,201. fol. 14a (VIth or VIIth century); see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 690. col. 2.

32. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 920. col. 1.

33. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS.} p. 724. col. 2.

34. 2 See B. O., ii. p. 45. col. 2. Portions of this treatise are also found in Add. 14,628, foll. 9-20 (VIth or VIIth century); see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 533, col. 1, where it is described as a dialogue between the Church and a Nestorian.

35. 3 See B. O., ii. p. 45. col. 2. No. 16.

36. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 648.

37. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 726. col. 1.

38. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 920. col. 2.

39. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 691. col. 1.

40. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 690. col. 1.

41. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 533. col. 2.

42. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 759. col. 2. Compare the [Syriac] described by Payne Smith, Cat. Codd. MSS., col. 463.

43. 1 See Wright, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 920. col. 1. For another Confession of Faith see B. O., ii. p. 33. col. 2.

44. 2 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 75. col 1.

45. 3 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 117. col. 2. 

46.  4 See Assemânî, B. O., ii. p. 45. col. 2.

47. 5 See Wright, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 920. col. 2. For extract from a tract upon Faith by Philoxenus, see Add. 17,206, fol. 30 b (Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 859. col. 2).

48. 6 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 75. col. 1.

49. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 887. col. 1.

50. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 993. col. 1.

51. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 860. col. 1.

52. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 364. col. 2.

53. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 229. col. 2. 

54. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 758. col. 1.

55. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 868. col. 2.

56. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 1078. col. 1.

57. 1 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 125. col. 1.

58. 2 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 69. col. 2. Compare also [Syriac] Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 123. col. 2; and [Syriac] in Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 6. col. 2.

59. 3 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 124. col. 2. 

60. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 144. col. 2.

61. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 145. col. 2; and Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 124. col. 2.

62. 6 See Payne Smith, Cat. Codd. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., col. 65.

63. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 649. col. 1 ; and Assemânî, B. O., ii. p. 38.

64. 8 See B. O., ii. p. 37. col. 2. An extract of one of these letters is extant in Add. 14,663, fol. 10b; see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 692. col. 1, and the whole letter has been edited by Guidi, La Letter a di Filosseno ai Monad di Tell 'Adda, R. Accademia del Lincei, 1884-85, Rome, 1886.

65. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 769. col. 2. In B. 0., ii. p. 46. col. i. the heading runs: [Syriac]

66. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 533. col. 1.

67. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., fol. 39a.

68. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 765. col. 2. 

69. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 768. col. 1.

70. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 838. col. 2.

71. 7 See B. O., ii. p. 37. col. 1; Cat. Bibl. Vat., iii. p. 176. No. 25; and Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., p. 26. col. 1. An extract from this letter is found in Add. 17,193, fol. 69b; see Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 997. col. 1.

72. 1 See B. O., ii. p. 30. col. 2; and Frothingham, Stephen bar Sudaili.

73. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 920. col. 1 ; extracts from this letter are preserved in Add. 17,193, fol. 83 a, and Add. 17,134, fol. 4b (See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., pp. 338, 998). This letter has been published by Martin, Grammatica Chrestomathia, p. 71.

74. 3 See B. O., ii. p. 34. col. 2.

75. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 691. col. 1. 5 See B. O., ii. p. 35. col. 2.

76. 6 See B. O., ii. p. 46, 1.; Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 533. col. 2; p. 741. col. 1; p. 787. col. 2.

77. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 876. col. 1.

78. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 874. col. 2.

79. 3 See B. O., ii. p. 46. 1.

80. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 828. col. 2. #

81. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 829 col. 1.

82. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 771, col. 2.

83. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 806. col. 1.

84. 8 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 787. col. 1. For extracts see Add. 14,601, fol. 6a, Add. 14,613, fol. 140b (Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., pp. 789, 812).

85. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 868. col. 1.

86. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 773. col. 2.

87. 3 See B. O., ii. p. 45. col. 2. No. 18.

88. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 969. col. 1.

89. 5 See B. O., ii. p. 46. col. 1. No. 22.

90. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 1014. col. 2.

91. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 917. col. 2.

92. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., 9.665. col. 1.

93. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 726. col. 1.

94. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 725. col. 1.

95. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 741. col. 1. 

96. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 829. col. 1.

97. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 868. col. 2.

98. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 788. col. 2.

99. 8 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 694. col. 2; Add. 18,817, fol. 70a (Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 804. col. 2); Add. 14,522, fol. 37a (Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 831. col. 2); Add. 14,614, fol. 69a (Wright, Cat. Syr, MSS., p. 832. col. 2); Add. 17,180, foll. 20a, 21 a (Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 852. col. 2); Add. 14,728, fol. 185a (Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 884. col. 1).

100. 9 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 694. col. 2.

101. 10 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 804. col. 2; and p. 852. col. 2. 

102. 11 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., pp. 771, 772.

103. 1 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 824. col. 1.

104. 2 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 831. col. 2.

105. 3 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 833. col. 1.

106. 4 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 884. col. 1. 

107. 5 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 728. col. 1.

108. 6 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 812. col. 2.

109. 7 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 999. col. 2.

110. 8 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 840. col. 1.

111. 9 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., p. 990. col. 1.

112. 10 See B. O., ii. p. 46. col. 1. No, 23.

113. 11 See Wright, Cat. Syr. MSS., pp. 727, 831, 832, 852, 855, 856, and 1007.

114. 1 See B. O., ii. p. 46. col. 1. No. 24. This hymn is also attributed to John bar-Aphthôn---- [Syriac]

115. 2 Seven of these, translated by one Moses, are preserved in a manuscript in the Bibliothèque Nationale; see Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., pp. 194, 195.

116. 3 See Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Syr., pp. 125. col. i, 126. col. 2. An Arabic version of the prayers of the seven canonical hours is preserved in the Vatican (B. O., ii. p. 24. col. 2), and in the Bodleian we have [Arabic] (Payne Smith, Cat. Codd. MSS. Bibl. Bodl., col. 479).

117. 4 See Wright, Cat. Ethiopic MSS., p. 78. col. 2. 

118. 5 See Wright, Cat. Ethiopic MSS., p. 109. col. 1. 

119. 6 See Wright, Cat. Ethiopic MSS., p. 110a.

120. 1 See Wright, Cat. Ethiopic MSS., p. 122. col. 1; see also the index to Zotenberg, Cat. MSS. Éthiopiens, s. v. Philoxène.

121. 2 See Wright, Cat. Ethiopic MSS., pp. 177, 178.

122. 3 This is quoted in Orient. No. 736, foll. 36b, 41 b, and 54a (see Wright, Cat. Ethiopic MSS., p. 202. col. I ; and see Dillmann, Cat. Codd. MSS. Orient, qui in Museo Britannica asservantur, London, 1847 p. 11. col. 2).

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