Catalogue Notes


This is a page of working notes for my own use when looking for things.    It contains references to things I want to know about gleaned from my reading.  If it doesn't make sense to you, I apologise.  It's online so that I can refer to it from any Internet terminal, so I can track down some of them.  I don't suppose I will ever have the time to look at them all, sadly.

Collected Catalogues

Becker, G, Catalogi Antiquiori Bibliothecarum, Bonn 1885, reprinted by Olms in Germany.

Reference Found in Notes
Paul Lehmann (ed.), Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge Deutschlands und der Schweiz I : Die Diozesen Konstanz und Chur, Munich 1918 McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p136 n.9 11/06/99
L.Delisle, Le Cabinet des manuscrits de la Bibliotheque Imperiale, at least two vols, Paris, 1868.  (pp6-71 gives history of Royal libraries of France). McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p135 n3 11/06/99

St Amand

Apologeticum used by Pamelius referred to by Hoppe, p xvi: 'Elnonensis S. Amandi'.

A. Boutemy, Le scriptorium et la bibliotheque de Saint-Amand d'apres les manuscrits et les anciens catalogues, Scriptorium 1 91946), pp.6-16. Checked.   Ref from McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p136 n.8. 11/06/99.  Notes made 11/05/01:

No catalogue in this article - an interesting article that should be online really.  St. Amand, the evangelist of the Flemish, founded an abbey at Elno(n) which later took his name.  Its holdings passed at the revolution to Valenciennes, apart from the odd volume, and 40 volumes acquired by Le Tellier, Archbishop of Reims, which is now at Paris in the BNF.  

There are two catalogues, 

There is a catalogue in Becker, mostly of classical volumes, given as s.XII.  It is not referred to in the article.

St Gall

Founded 719.  Some charters lost by looting in 1531.

R.Sprandel, Das Kloster St Gallen in der Verfassung des karolingischen Reiches, Forschungen zur Oberrheinischen Landesgeschichte 7 (1958), pp.9-27. McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p84ff, and 79 n.6 11/06/99 - McKitterick gives stuff on startup and script of St. Gall with refs to studies.  Ref gives history of St.Gall


Copies of Apologeticum here according to Hoppe: 

s. IX (min) :In the Breviarium of the books of Abbot Isghterus (who lived in the middle of the 9th century), which is preserved in a copy from 1464, the last entry (no.83) is Tertullianus.  It is noted by Ruinartus in 1696: alii codices optimae notae ... ab annis 800, quos singulatim recensere longius esset.  In his Tertulliani apologeticum. Ref: H. Bloch, Strassb. Festschrift z. 46. Phil.-Vers. (1901) 274, 278.

s. XI-XII. Parchment, whose readings were used by Nicolaus le Nourry (Oehler, ed. mai. III, p.119).  Ref: Montfaucon, Bibl. bibl. II p.1177 D.

K.E.Geith & W. Berschin, Die Bibliothekskataloge des Klosters Murbach aus dem IXte Jht, Zeitschrift fur Kirschengeschichte 83 (1972), 61-87. McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p156, n81 11/06/99

This article actually edits only one catalogue - that of Abbot Iskar (Isghterus).

The 9th century catalogue(s) were copied in 1464.  An edition and photographic copy is in Milde, Wolfgang, Der Bibliothekskatalog des Klosters Murbach aus dem 9. Jahrhundert, Heidelberg (1968).  (It is a supplement/beihefte to Euphorion).  The photographs make clear there are two catalogues.  Milde, curiously, edits only the first.  The other (plate 12) of Isghterus, does not in fact seem to end with 'Tertullianus', and has only 53 entries. Rather plate 13 then has a list of authors who appear in the catalogues, the last two of which are Efre(m) and Tertulliani.  Neither of these appear in the plates as we have them.

Regrettably Hoppe tells us no more about 'Ruinartus'.


Lehmann, Mittelalterliche Bibliothekskataloge, p.256 McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p137 n.9, p.156 & 156 n.85. 11/06/99.  The catalogue of 823-38.


Can't recall - didn't Veronika say something about these?  Did Rhenanus wait for these in his 2nd edn?  unsure...

E.K.Rand, A survey of the Manuscripts of Tours, Cambridge Mass., 1929 McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p141 n.21 11/06/99

Agobard of Lyons

Gave lots of works to own monastery.

+ E.Boshof, Erzbischof Agobard von Lyon : Leben und Werke, Cologne 1969. 
+ Lesne, Les Livres, 'scriptoria' et bibliotheques, p.109. 
+ S.Tafel, The Lyons Scriptorium, Paleographia Latina 4 (1925), pp60-73.
McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p156, n78 11/06/99

Florus of Lyons

Annotated the Agobardinus.     Lots of others according to R. McKitterick, including Codex Bezae.

C.Charlier, Les manuscrits personnels de Florus de Lyon et son activite litteraire, Melanges E. Podechard, Lyons 1945, pp.71-84.  (Got this - must go online) McKitterick R, Carolingians and the written word, 1989, p153, n.63 11/06/99



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