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Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge.


Archaeology of the Cuneiform Inscriptions, The. Rhind Lectures
by the Rev. Professor SAYCE. Demy 8vo. cloth boards, net 5s.

Babylonian Excavations and Early Bible History, The. By Pro-
fessor KITTEL, of Leipzig. Translated from the German by the
Rev. Canon E. MCCLURE. Edited with a Preface by the Very
Rev. H. WAGE, D.D. Paper cover, net 6d.

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net 1s. 6d.

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cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.

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A protest against the Modern School of Old Testament Criticism.
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Large post 8vo. buckram boards, net 3s, 6d.

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8vo. cloth boards, net 6s.

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tion from the Babylonian of the laws discussed and chapters on
the History and Archaeology of the Hammurabi and Mosaic Codes,
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Old Testament in the Light of the Historical Records and Legends ol
Assyria and Babylonia, The.
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boards, net 5s.

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with Map, buckram boards, net 4s.


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BISHOP OF LONDON, Fourth Edition. Crown 8vo, cloth boards,
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Christianity and Agnosticism. Reviews of some recent attacks
on the Christian Faith. By the Very Rev. HENRY WACE, D.D,
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Deep Questions. By the Very Rev. C, T. OVENDEN D.D, Small
post 8vo, cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.



Do we Believe ? The Law of Faith perfected in Christ, By the
late Right Rev. A. BARRY, D.D., D.C.L. Small post 8vo. cloth
boards, net 2s. 6d.

"Evidence of Things not Seen, The." I. From Nature. II. From
Revelation. By J. A. FLEMING, D.Sc., F.R.S, Crown 8vo. paper
cover, net 6d.; cloth boards, net 1s.

Evolution and the Holy Scriptures. Addresses delivered by the
Rev. J. M. WILSON, D.D. Medium 8vo. paper cover, net 6d.

Genesis, Modern Criticism and the Book of. By the late Rev. H. A.
REDPATH, D.Litt., M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s. 6d.

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By G. W. DE TUNZELMANN, B.Sc., M.I.E.E. Crown 8vo. cloth
boards, net 4s.

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ROBINSON, D.D. Prefatory note by SIR OLIVER LODGE, Small
post 8vo. cloth, net 1s,

Helps toward Belief in the Christian Faith. By the Rev. C. G.
GRIFFINHOOFE, M.A. Crown 8vo, cloth boards, net 3s.

Is Christianity Miraculous ? By the Rev. C. H, PRITCHARD, M.A.
Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s.

"Is there a Religion of Nature?" By the Rev. P. N, WAGGETT,
M.A. Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s. 6d.

Literary Criticism and the New Testament. By the Rev. Canon
R. J. KNOWLING, D.D., Professor of Divinity in the University
of Durham. Crown Svo. cloth boards, net 2s.

Messianic Interpretation and other Studies. By the Rev. Canon
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Modern Rationalism: As Seen at Work in its Biographies.
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boards, net 4s.

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Old Testament Institutions. Their Origin and Development. By
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SAYCE, D.D. Large crown 8vo, cloth boards, net 5s.

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Philosophy of the Fourth Gospel, The. A Study of the Logos
Doctrine : Its Sources and its Significance, By the Rev. J, S.
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Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s.

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of London. Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s. Contents:
Reasons for Faith.—Popular Objections to Christianity.—Old
Testament Difficulties.—New Testament Difficulties.

Shall I Believe ? By the Rev. G. R. OAKLEY. Small post 8vo.
cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.

The Value of the Theology of St. Paul for Modern Thought.
By Rev. Professor H. T. ANDREWS, D.D. Small post 8vo. paper
cover, net 6d.

Virgin Birth and the Criticism of To-day, Our Lord's. By the Rev.
Canon R. J. KNOWLING, D.D. Crown 8vo. cloth, net 1s. 6d.

Virgin Birth: A Critical Examination of the Evidences for the Doctrine
of the.
cloth boards, net 2s, 6d.



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the Rev. HENRY BARCLAY SWETE, D.D., Litt.D, With Facsimiles
of MSS. Crown 8vo. buckram boards, net 2s. 6d.

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Liturgy up to the time of Charlemagne.
DUCHESNE. Translated by M. L. McCLURE. Fourth English
Edition, representing the Fourth and latest French edition of
"Les Origines du Culte Chrétien." Demy 8vo, cloth boards,
net 10s.

Commentary on the Prayer-Book for Teachers and Students. Con-
taining Historical Introduction, Notes on the Calendar, Services,
Articles, Table of Kindred, etc., together with complete Con-
cordances to the Prayer-book and Psalter. Revised and partly
rewritten by the Rev. F. E. WARREN, B.D., Hon. Canon of Ely.
Fcap. 8vo. cloth boards, 2s; paste grain roan, 2s. 8d. With the
PRAYER-BOOK, cloth boards, 3s.; paste grain roan, 4s.

Liturgy and Ritual of the Ante-Nicene Church. By the Rev.
F. E. WARREN, B.D., F.S.A, Second Edition Revised. Demy
8vo. cloth boards, net 5s.

Prayer-Book Psalter for Church and School, The. With rendering
of difficult passages from ths Revised Version and short ex-
planations. By the Rev, ARTHUR CARR, M.A, Crown 8vo.
cloth boards, 2s. 6d.

Recent Discoveries Illustrating Early Christian Life and Worship.
By the Right Rev. ARTHUR J. MACLEAN, D.D., Bishop of Moray.
Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s.

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English Prayer-book by the late Rev. GEORGE EDWARD JELF,
D.D. Large crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.

United Worship. Illustrated from the Office for Morning and
Evening Prayer in the Anglican Communion. By the late Bishop
WILLIAM AWDRY, Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s. 6d.

The Prayer-Book Simply Explained. A Book for Boys and Girls.
By the late Rev. E. VINE HALL, M.A. Fcap, 8vo. cloth, net
1s. 6d.

The Services for Holy Baptism, Confirmation, and Holy Communion.
Simply explained with Chapters on the Church Catechism and
the Commination Service. By the late Rev. E, VINE HALL, M,A.
Fcap. 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s. 6d.



Christian Biographies through Eighteen Centuries. Compiled from
various sources by the Rev. F. ST. JOHN THACKERAY, M.A.,
F.S.A. Demy 8vo. cloth boards, net 3s.

Christ's Workers among all conditions of men. By Mrs. T. R,
SEDDON. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s.

Devotional Life in the Nineteenth Century. By the Rev. Canon C,
BODINGTON, Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s. 6d,

Eminent Christian Workers of the Nineteenth Century. By. G,
BARNETT SMITH. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 3s. 6d. [The lives
selected are the following : Archbishop Tait, Patteson
(the Martyr
), the Earl of Shaftesbury, Bishop Daniel Wilson, Arnold
of Rugby, Bishop Wilberforce, George Moore the Philanthropist,
(the East African Hero), and Bishop Selwyn].

Hidden Saints. A study of the Brothers of the Common Life.
By S. HARVEY GEM, M.A. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.

Life of George Herbert of Bemerton. With Portrait and Illustra-
tions. By the late Rev. J. J. DANIELL. 8vo. buckram boards,
net 5s.

Martyrs and Saints of the First Twelve Centuries. Studies from
the Lives of the Black-letter Saints of the English Calendar,
By the late Mrs. RUNDLE CHARLES. Crown 8vo, cloth boards,
net 2s. 6d.

Noble Womanhood. A series of Biographical Sketches. By G.
BARNETT SMITH. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s. 6d. [The
lives selected are Princess Alice, Florence Nightingale, Frances R,
Havergal, Harriet Beecher Stowe, Sister Dora, Louisa May Alcot,
Elizabeth Fry, Felicia Dorothea Hemans.

Saints and Heroes of our own Days. By Mrs. T. R. SEDDON.
Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s.

Sketches of the Women of Christendom. By the late Mrs. RUNDLE
CHARLES. Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s.

Three Martyrs of the Nineteenth Century : Studies from the Lives of
Livingstone, Gordon, and Patteson.
By the late Mrs. RUNDLE
CHARLES. Crown Svo. cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.

Whitgift and His Times, Archbishop. By the Rev. H. J. CLAYTON.
Small post 8vo. Illustrated Cloth boards, net 2s. 6d.



African Missions. Impressions of the South, East, and Centre of
the Dark Continent. By BENJAMIN GARNISS O'RORKE, M.A.,
Chaplain to the Forces. With a Preface by the Right Rev.
J. TAYLOR SMITH, D.D., C.V.O. With several Illustrations.
Crown 8vo, cloth boards, net 3s. 6d.

Christian Missions in the Far East. Addresses by the Right Rev.
post 8vo. paper cover, net 6d.

Launching Out into the Deep; or, the Pioneers oi a Noble Effort.
By MARY L. WALROND. With several Illustrations, Crown 8vo.
cloth boards, net 2s.

Light of Melanesia, The. A Record of Thirty-five Years' Mission
Work in the South Seas. By the Right Rev. H. H. MONTGOMERY,
D.D. With Map and Illustrations. Crown 8vo, cloth boards,
net 2s. 6d.

Official and Lay Witness to the value of Foreign Missions. By the
Rev. G. LONGRIDGE, C.R. Small post 8vo, cloth boards, net 6d.

Pastoral Work in the Colonies and the Mission Field. By the late
Right Rev. J, R. SELWYN, D.D. Small post 8vo. cloth boards,
net 2s.

Reports of the Boards of Missions of the Provinces of Canterbury
and York on the Mission Field.
Demy 8vo, cloth boards, net
7s. 6d.

Story of a Melanesian Deacon: Clement Marau. Written by himself.
Translated by the Rev. R. H. CODRINGTON, D.D. With portrait
and several Illustrations, post 8vo. cloth boards, net 1s.

"Without Prejudice :" or, The Case for Foreign Missions Simply
Stated. By the Rev. C. H. MARTIN. Small post 8vo, paper
covers, net 6d.



Called to be Saints : The Minor Festivals devotionally Studied
By the late CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI, Crown 8vo, Top edge gilt,
buckram boards, net 3s. 6d.

Christian Year, The. Thoughts in Verse for the Sundays and
Holy Days throughout the year. By JOHN KEBLE. Royal
32mo. cloth, 1s.; paste grain roan, 1s, 6d.

"Daily Nearer God." Verses for each day in the year, selected
from the Apocrypha, Compiled by HAIDEE ELLIOTT. Demy
16mo. cloth, net 6d; paste grain roan, 1s. 4d.

Face of the Deep, The. A Devotional Commentary on the
Apocalypse. By the late CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI, Demy 8vo,
cloth boards, net 3s. 6d.

Imitation of Christ, Of the. By THOMAS A KEMPIS. Small post
8vo. printed in red and black, cloth, 2s. 6d.; Limp Persian, 4s,

"In the Day of Trouble." By the Very Rev. C. T. OVENDEN,
D.D, Small post 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s.

Life as Service. Some Chapters on being Christianly Useful. By
the late Rev. H. LEWIS, M.A, Crown 8vo. cloth boards, net 2s.

Moments with the Saints. Compiled by the Rev. G. Y. WOODWARD.
Demy 16mo. cloth, net 1s. 6d.

Rhythm of Bernard de Morlaix, The. Monk of Cluny, on the
Celestial Country. Edited and Translated by the late Rev. J.
MASON NEALE, D.D. Demy 16mo. net 6d.; cloth boards, net 1s.

Rule and Exercises of Holy Living and Holy Dying. By JEREMY
TAYLOR. Printed in red and black. Two Vols. Royal 16mo.
paste grain roan, each 1s. 6d.

Time Flies. A Reading Diary, by the late CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI,
Post 8vo, buckram boards, gilt top, net 3s. 6d.

Verses. By the late CHRISTINA G. ROSSETTI. Reprinted from
"Called to be Saints," "Time Flies," and "The Face of the Deep."
Small post 8vo. Printed in red and black. Cloth boards, net
3s. 6d,; limp roan, 5s.; limp morocco, 7s. 6d.


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Translated by T. Herbert Bindley, 1914
Transcribed by Roger Pearse, 2002

Greek text is rendered using the Scholars Press
SPIonic font, free from here.

This page has been online since 11th January 2002.

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